Whether you’ve been shopping for new products, reading skincare blogs, or browsing beauty brands on social media, chances are that you’ve come across the various skin types before. There are five main skin types out there; oily, normal, dry, sensitive,…
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Discover the Shocking Side Effects of Common Skincare Ingredients
People tend to put a large amount of trust in the skincare products that they use, believing that anything available commercially would be safe for their skin. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. There are many skincare ingredients out there that…
Bizarre Skincare Rituals That Celebrities Swear By
Celebrities tend to go to great lengths to maintain glowing skin, meaning that they often adopt some weird and wonderful skincare rituals. Considering they usually have a team of experts on hand who dish out the best beauty advice, many…
5 Ways Bee Venom Can Improve Your Complexion
Bee venom may seem like an unusual skincare ingredient, with many believing that its current popularity is down to unwarranted hype. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth… In reality, bee venom has been used for cosmetic and medicinal…
7 Products That Can Help With the Appearance of Loose Skin
At some point in life, loose skin becomes pretty much unavoidable. There’s only so much that you can do to slow down how quickly your complexion ages. Nature will eventually takes its toll. The natural production of collagen and elastin,…
How Does Double Cleansing Benefit Your Skin?
Originating from Japan and Korea, double cleansing is a technique that has long since been practiced in many parts of the world. Sure, it involves putting a little more time and effort into your skincare routine, which won’t appeal to…
New Mom, New Glow: Postpartum Easy Skincare Routine
Pregnancy causes a number of changes to occur in the skin and, unfortunately, your complexion won’t bounce back to normal once you’ve given birth. Instead, between hormonal swings, fluctuations in blood flow, and glandular and structural changes, the body, including…
How to Care For Your Skin in the Winter Months
The winter months can bring with them a number of skin challenges. From dryness and flaking to dehydration and sensitivities, the seasonal shift to colder, drier, and harsher weather can cause big problems for your complexion. Fortunately, much of this…
Men’s Grooming Essentials: Skincare Tips For the Modern Man
With the skincare industry historically geared toward women, it’s hardly surprising that the majority of the skincare tips out there focus on female skin. However, times are changing with modern men becoming increasingly intrigued when it comes to understanding how…
The Art of Exfoliation: Renew Your Complexion With the Right Products
If you want to keep your skin looking bright, smooth, and youthful, regular exfoliation is a must. However, getting this right can be tricky. Not only do you need to choose a suitable type of exfoliator for your skin, but…